1. Please contact us directly

For quotes or assistance in placing and order, please contact us via email, contact form or by telephone.
For inquiries, requests or further information feel free to contact us in English, Japanese, Chinese or Korean.
상담문의 및 견적의뢰에 관하여서는 언제든지 부담없이 연락주세요. 여러분의 많은 연락 기다리겠습니다.

Contact Info.

Email: info@wasoudesign.com [ Contact Form ] Phone: +1(604)437-6711
[Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30 PST]

2. Information Collected

Our knowledgeable staff is available to hear out your requests and concerns, then provide an accurate estimate. We will set up a meeting to gather information on location, measurements, and answer any questions that you may have before delivery of your carefully crafted Shoji.

3. Crafting in our Workshop

Crafting will be carried out in our workshop based out of the Greater Vancouver Area. We do not bring in cheap, readily available lumber or hardware. Our selection of wood and materials have been carefully selected to provide durability as well as long term aesthetic beauty that you can enjoy for as long as you own your home. 100% Made in Canada Product.

4. Delivery of Product

Upon completion of manufacture, our staff will deliver and install your Shoji for you.
*In the case that you are out of our installation area (Greater Vancouver Area), we will carefully pack your Shoji and all related hardware for shipment and provide instruction on the installation procedure.

5. Aftercare

As our product is made from genuine wood and materials, climate, humidity and temperature can cause adverse effects in terms of warpage of the Shoji and track system. We provide periodic maintenance to keep your Shoji system functioning in a smooth and proper manner. Please contact us immediately if your Shoji needs to be realigned or maintained.